Hypoxia is a common feature across numerous medical conditions, with multiple underlying causes and variable prevalence. Although some causes, such as pneumonia or COPD, are widespread, others, such as hypoxia due to reduced oxygen tension at high altitudes or cyanide poisoning, are relatively rare.
– feature – особливість
– numerous – численний
– multiple – багато
– underlying – той, що лежить в основі
– prevalence – поширеність
– widespread – поширений
– oxygen tension – напруга кисню
– altitudes – висота
– poisoning – отруєння
Acutely, the hypoxia may present with dyspnea and tachypnea. Sufficiently severe hypoxia can result in tachycardia. Neurologic manifestations include restlessness, headache, and confusion with moderate hypoxia. In severe cases, altered mentation and coma can occur, and if not corrected quickly, may lead to death.
– acutely – гостро
– sufficiently – достатньо
– severe – тяжкий
– result in – призводити до
– restlessness – занепокоєння
– moderate – помірний
– altered – змінений
– quickly – швидко
– death – смерть
✔️The chronic presentation is usually less dramatic, with dyspnea on exertion as the most common complaint. – Хронічні прояви зазвичай менш драматичні, із задишкою при фізичному навантаженні як найпоширенішою скаргою.
✍️Symptoms of the underlying condition that induced the hypoxia can help in narrowing the differential diagnosis. – Симптоми основного захворювання, яке викликало гіпоксію, можуть допомогти в диференційній діагностиці.
Management of hypoxia entails 3 key approaches—ensuring airway patency, increasing the oxygen content of inspired air, and improving diffusion capacity. The healthcare team ensures upper airway patency by employing maneuvers to prevent throat occlusion, including head tilt and jaw thrust, as needed.
– entail – передбачати
– airway patency – прохідність дихальних шляхів
– content – вміст
– inspired air – вдихуване повітря
– ensure – забезпечити
– head tilt – розгинання голови
– jaw thrust – виведення щелепи
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